Inspired in London...
originally published October 10, 2023

A Chanel retrospective is currently on display at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. I became a member to secure a ticket. I was not messing around.
It was a truly inspiring exhibit. Coco Chanel was a visionary.
Along with the Chanel exhibit, the V&A is also currently showing DIVA- an exhibit that rounds up some of the most iconic Divas in history- Aretha Franklin, Janet Jackson, Prince, Adele, Beyonce, Madonna, RuPaul, Leslie Gore (You Don’t Own Me)… and so many more. So many men and women who fought so hard to be seen and heard and respected. Seeing them, hearing them (we wore headphones that played the music of the singer you were looking at- Vogue for Madonna, Purple Rain for Prince) brought back such powerful memories and emotions. Bravo V&A.

Along with the exhibits, the V&A hosted a talk with Thom Browne, a NY designer who bucked the trends with his men’s suits 20 years ago and held strong with his aesthetic.
Thom Browne was exactly what I needed. His audience was full of young, hip, chic Londoners wearing kilts, knee socks, and suits with shorts for the bottom half. His message-be you. Avoid trying to hit trends. Own your vision.

I am going to stumble along the way. I will have hits and I will have misses. But I am going to stay true to the vision I have had since I was 18 years old. And I will be fighting hard for my voice and vision.
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Kimberly Becker