Day One - Sharing My Thoughts…
originally published May 28, 2019
I’d like to introduce myself by sharing some images of my embroidery and artwork. I attended RISD and received a BFA in Textile Design. I received my MFA from Heartwood College of Art, and I was trained at Ecole Lesage, a haute couture embroidery house in Paris, France.
Layered Bird Skin embroidery. Watercolor, tea stained silk, ink, and hand embroidery.
My color sense, delicate hand work, and attention to detail can be seen in these pieces. My love of layering, sheer on sheer, images carried from below to the top, and my choice of cotton organdies, netting, silk organzas and wispy cotton voiles has been a part of my work for decades.
Peony and bird painted with watercolor on cotton organdy and trimmed with dyed cow hide.
Detail of a bird skin painted on cotton organdy with tambour hook embroidery, sequins, french knots.
These images show some of my work with a focus on birds. In some cultures, women are referred to as birds and I relate to this. I see such lightness and beauty in birds. Even in death they should be revered.
Each blog post will be a discussion of what makes me tick and how politics and my fierce loyalty to women’s and trans rights drives much of my creativity will be obvious. I grew up in a single mother household and watched her struggle against the patriarchy. I won’t hide my politics. It’s who I am and my give back program supporting educating young women in Uganda is going to be a defining part of my collection.
More to come….
Kimberly Becker